We rely on the ongoing support of individuals to pay for the upkeep of our amazing church and churchyard, our heating and lighting, insurance, the costs of running Church services and community activities , paying our Parish ‘share’ to The Diocese, and supporting people in need.
Financial gifts to support the upkeep of the church, churchyard and the various community activities are VERY much appreciated!
Our preferred method for one off or regular donations is through the Parish Giving scheme as it recovers Gift Aid and reduces our administration, but donations through the other methods are also wonderful!
Please make payments to:
Bank Lloyds Bank Sort code: 30-90-49 Account: 07114009
Please refer to the gift as a ‘donation’ and advise our treasurer (Mike Sturges) when the transaction has been completed.
Please make cheques payable to ‘Bishops Tawton PCC’ and send them to:
The Treasurer, Bishops Tawton PCC, Meadow Close, Sentry Lane, Bishops Tawton EX32 0BW.
If you are a tax payer we can claim the back the tax on your donation through the Gift Aid scheme, making your support go even further.
Please contact Mike Sturges for the form.
Regular giving enables us to plan ahead, and commit to supporting our church, community and people in need.
The Parish Giving Scheme is our preferred method for making regular donations as gift aid is collected automatically for us. Donations can be changed or stopped at any time. Please visit our Parish Giving page.
You can also set up a regular standing order from your bank account.
Please make payments to:
Bank Lloyds Bank Sort code: 30-90-49 Account: 07114009
Again, if you are a tax payer please also complete a Gift Aid Form and give it or send it to our treasurer Mike.
T: 01271 377409
E: m.sturges018@btinternet.com
The Treasurer, Bishops Tawton PCC, Meadow Close, Sentry Lane, Bishops Tawton EX32 0BW.